Feedback from Ofsted and SIAMS

“Leaders are committed to all pupils becoming successful and active citizens. The school celebrates diversity and meets the needs of all pupils. Many pupils and staff told inspectors, ‘We are proud to be a part of the Blue Coat family.”

“Leaders have constructed a curriculum which is ambitious and meets the needs of all pupils. Lessons are well planned and sequenced in a logical order. This helps pupils to build on knowledge over time. Lessons also include an appropriate focus on careers, training and apprenticeships. This enables pupils to gain knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.”  Ofsted 2023

“Sixth form students appreciate the relevance and challenge of their weekly core RE lessons. Providing a safe space in which to learn about religion and its impact upon believers. Students in all years are effusive about their enjoyment of their lessons. They appreciate the breadth of religions that they study and the respect that is shown for all belief systems and worldviews.” SIAMs 2023


Applications for September 2024

We are very proud of what our Sixth Form students achieve at Blue Coat, both academically and personally. We treat our Year 12 and 13 students as young adults and they are asked to set the standards for the rest of the school to follow.

Enrolment and course Sign up for September 2024

GCSE results will be available in school from 8:30am-11:30am on Thursday 22nd August. This is also when we will be registering students on to the sixth form courses for September for internal and external applicants. We strongly advise all applicants use this morning to register as the popularity of some courses will mean there could be a waiting list. All external applicants are required to bring with them proof of identification and exam results.

We will be holding a late sign-up afternoon on Tuesday 3rd September between 1:30pm-3:30pm. If you are an external applicant and wish to apply as a late candidate, then please fill in the application form prior to this event by clicking the link below:

Courses for sixth form will begin at 8:40am Wednesday 4th September. Only students who have enrolled on their courses are to attend this day. External applicants will be notified of your start date once all background checks have been completed and are asked to wait for confirmation before attending this day.

Any queries please email Mr Lowe:

Bursary 2024

If you need to apply for a bursary, please read B16+ Student Guide first. This will tell you everything you need to know about the application process and how to submit requests.

Sign into your bursary account here: Sixth Form Bursary

Learn more about the 16 to 19 Tuition Fund